Pokko terminology

There are a number of terms, phrases, and concepts used all over Pokko. Hopefully, this article will help you understand their meaning.


  • An account is the top level of organisation when it comes to grouping projects.
  • Typically a client would have one account with a number of projects associated with it.
  • Billing and usage are managed and monitored at an account level.


  • A project is where environments and media libraries live.


  • An environment is where you define data models, author content and handle your publishing workflow.
  • There can be a number of environments in a project.
  • In future, there will be tools for transitioning changes between environments.


  • A model is where you define the structure of your content.
  • Models have fields that define attributes associated with your content.


  • Models can inherit other models. When a model inherits another, it has the fields defined on itself as well as the models that it inherits.
  • Read more about data model inheritance here.


  • An entry is a piece of content, it follows the structure of the model that it is associated with.

Entry version

  • Entries can have any number of versions.
  • When creating a new version, all the content from the current version is copied.
  • You can work on versions independently and publish them to various publish targets.


  • This is where all your media is stored. The media library can contain any type of file from images, videos to documents.
  • Projects have one media library shared across all environments.

Publish target

  • Entry versions are published to Publish targets.
  • This is how you control what content is available where.
  • The simplest example of this is to have a "Public" publish target.
  • Additional targets can be included for things like preview environments.
  • When content is published to a target it is available for querying on the API endpoint.

API token

  • API tokens are used by integrations that query data from Pokko for consumption.
  • Tokens are associated with publish targets and will only return content that has been published to that associated target.


  • A webhook is a process where Pokko will call an HTTP(s) endpoint defined by you.
  • At present, webhooks can only be manually triggered in the Pokko UI.
  • In future, you will be able to associate webhooks with events triggered by actions in Pokko such as publishing content.